Private well owners are responsible for the safety of their water. The EPA and National Ground Water Association recommends well owners test their water at least annually for bacteria, nitrates, and any contaminants of concern.
H2O GeoSolutions
Determines possible source contaminants
Performs water quality and bacteria sampling
Disinfects (shocks) Wells
Drinking water supplies obtained from shallow wells and/or under direct influence from surface water should be tested more frequently since they are more susceptible to contamination.
Frequent testing should also be considered if:
The well has a history of bacterial contamination
An infant is living in the home
Homes with lead, brass or lead solder plumbing
Intensive agriculture, livestock or farming near by
Owners should test the well immediately if:
There is a change in water quality (odor, color, taste)
There are known problems with ground water in the area
Family members or house guests have recurrent incidents of gastrointestinal illness
Conditions near the well have changed significantly (new construction or industrial activity, oil & gas activity or a new contamination source)
Septic system has recently malfunctioned
Flooding, landslides, land disturbances, and other natural disasters.
Residential, industrial & commercial using public water
Lead can enter drinking water when plumbing materials that contain lead corrode. The most common sources of lead in drinking water are lead pipes, faucets, and fixtures. In homes with lead pipes that connect the home to the water main, also known as lead services lines, these pipes are typically the most significant source of lead in the water. Lead pipes are more likely to be found in homes built before 1986. Among homes without lead service lines, the most common problem is with brass or chrome-plated brass faucets and plumbing with lead solder.